Haverford College Dorms Ranked

Ranking the best sophomore dorms at Haverford College, according to students.

  • Number 2

    Gummere Hall

    based on 3 reviews

    Gummere Hall at Haverford College

    "I lived in Gum my first year and as a second year RSL. Gum is great as a first year. It has large common rooms for each hall on the first and third sections. The middle sections get common rooms but for only two suites. The rooms are large for the most part and are all singles. The building also has a party space in the basement. There is a lot of social life for under classmen. Overall the building is pretty gross though. It looks like a prison and was built to keep students from rioting during the Vietnam war era. All these features make it a great place to bond with your classmates. (This is a first year only dorm)" - 2 years ago

    We collected 3 dorm reviews for Gummere Hall

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  • Number 1

    HCA 14

    based on 1 review

    "I lucked out and got the whole apartment for myself. My unit C faced away from the lane and it was not a party dorm so I never have any noise complaint. Like all HCAs it’s a bit far from classrooms and I sometimes even drive to north campus during the winter for early classes. But nothing beats the scili-gym-coop-home routine! Good times :D" - 4 years ago

    We collected 1 dorm reviews for HCA 14

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At RateMyDorm, we've collected 4 student reviews for Haverford College dorms.