Baker Hall Reviews

Wentworth Institute of Technology

When students lived here

Freshman Year


Overall rating breakdown





Browse 1 Student Review

Reviews with a Verified Student badge were written with a school email.

4 years ago

Baker Hall is one of the 2 buildings that freshman live in. It is very traditional style dorming, and can provide for a close community. There is no air conditioning, no in-house dining hall, no mailroom, and no kitchen. There is a common room/lounge on every floor in the middle of the building. The walls aren't thick enough to block out other people talking or making any other noise. Bathrooms are shared between an entire floor. A floor is either all male or 1 side is male and the other side is female. The building gets very warm without AC, especially the top (5th floor). The sense of community is one of the only features that's positive about living in Baker Hall.

Lived in a double