Stone Davis Reviews
Wellesley College East Campus
When students lived here
Freshman Year
Overall rating breakdown
Browse 2 Student Reviews
Reviews with a Verified Student badge were written with a school email.
2 years ago
Great living situation if you're a science major. Clean, relatively quiet, and rooms are not terribly sized. People are generally good about laundry, keeping bathroom clean, etc. Only downside is that Stone D is not the best dining hall...
2 years ago
Stone-Davis's location is the ideal location, a five minute walk from all your classes. There are many downsides however, 1) the dining hall food is not all that great, there is lack of flavor but luckily there are many spices on the side to help you with that, 2) if you are planning to work out at the Keohane Sports Center, it is a 15 minute walk and a 10 minute walk to the campus center (where you go pick up mail and also where most campus events take place), 3) and the lighting is dismal (not very fengshui of Wellesley). The good thing is that the dorm room itself has lots of space, especially if you are in a triple. Wellesley does not have a housing crisis (yet) and has not crammed extra people into rooms that are not meant to fit a cer...
Verified Student