West Beach/College Reviews

Union College

When students lived here

Freshman Year


Overall rating breakdown





Browse 1 Student Review

Reviews with a Verified Student badge were written with a school email.

2 years ago

I liked living in West a lot (go west whales!). In my opinion it’s the best out of the three freshmen dormitories here at Union. Rooms are a decent size although definitely a little cramped. The singles are literally a closet (bad idea). No AC but none of the freshmen dorms have that. Nice big windows for natural lighting and a big overhead light.

As for the other aspects of the building: the bathrooms are all the same. Three urinals, three toilets, three sinks, and three shower stalls (yes the girls bathroom has urinals). I never had to wait in line for anything but it’s one hell of a walk if you are on the wrong end of the hall. Cafeteria is nice but doesn’t offer breakfast so I don’t go often, standard school food.

Verified Student

Lived in a double