West Hall Reviews
The University Of Texas At Arlington
When students lived here
Freshman Year
Overall rating breakdown
Browse 1 Student Review
Reviews with a Verified Student badge were written with a school email.
2 years ago
The Room-
Overall the rooms are nice and well-kept. I do get depressed because they don't have tubs in the dorms, but only standing showers. The furniture is nice too and I definitely recommend bringing an easy-to-move shelf to store food and other stuff. There are also two really grand windows that get amazing lighting, but at night time the overhead ceiling light is very ominous, so please bring a lamp or two (especially a desk lamp). The sink can get a little cluttered, but bring some storage to help with that (I'll have pictures in here). No thumbtacks in the walls and extra plug-ins, because they will get you for that. No candles and other appliances, but people still bring them anyways lol. Just try to keep it nice and tidy and you wo...
Verified Student