Carlton Gibson Hall Reviews

Rochester Institute Of Technology

When students lived here

Freshman Year


Overall rating breakdown





Browse 1 Student Review

Reviews with a Verified Student badge were written with a school email.

1 year ago

I lived on the second floor of Gibson, which at the time was half honors students and half non-honors students; I have to say, the students on the floor with me were really awful. First, the two RAs were supposed to be on the floor only one was ever there: the other one just used the room to study and eventually got fired so we didn't have two RAs so the other one picked up the slack.

Unfortunately, this said RA was very buddy-buddy with many honors students on the floor and many complaints weren't taken seriously, especially with loud noises and said drunk honors students. Two female honors students across the way from where I had my room brought some random stranger into their dorm from a bar who ended up trying to take advantage of the ...

Lived in a single