Ordal Hall Reviews

Pacific Lutheran University

When students lived here

Freshman Year


Overall rating breakdown





Browse 1 Student Review

Reviews with a Verified Student badge were written with a school email.

2 years ago

I spent a little over half of a semester living in Ordal until we transitioned to online-learning due to COVID-19, though my time in Ordal was great! It is one of the newly renovated livings spaces on campus. There are three floors, and on each floor there are communal spaces that students often use as study spaces, a place to host activities, or a place to spend time with friends and watch movies. The third floor has a full kitchen with a sink, oven, microwave, a refrigerator, and other amenities. In terms of bathrooms, I believe each floor has two communal bathrooms with multiple showers and stalls. I personally had no complaints about the bathrooms, they always stayed nice and clean. The living spaces are okay, if you're living with anot...

Verified Student

Lived in a double