CIW-Oneida Reviews

Binghamton University - SUNY

When students lived here

Freshman Year


Overall rating breakdown





Browse 1 Student Review

Reviews with a Verified Student badge were written with a school email.

2 years ago

AVOID. Oneida is a Freshman dorm, so if you can AVOID at all costs. There was period blood in the bathroom ALL the time, makeup or something on the mirrors, maggots in the showers (so yeah, a lot of flies), vomit in the sinks, generally dirty showers and tubs (that get clogged easily), etc. Oneida is the WORST building on campus because freshmen are generally terrible with living and it hasn't been renovated in like 60+ years I think. If you plan on living with a roommate, other CIW buildings are nicer and CIW has the largest dorm rooms for the best price. If you end up in Oneida as a freshman, good luck I guess? Plan on going into a friend's suite to shower or going into another building. Good luck.

Verified Student

Lived in a double